The Ferenji Funderburks


Posted in Posts from the U.S., Pre-ferenji by michaelfunderburk on August 3, 2009

It’s official. The fam and I have moved out of the apartment and have begun our life as nomads through the month of August. Our leave date is August 27th. So where will we be sojourning this month, you ask? We’ll spend some time in Arkansas, Austin, and then with both sets of parents.

We are glad to be out of the apartment.  We unloaded lots of stuff at The Salvation Army and Goodwill drop offs and trashed things that should have been trashed a long time ago.

Right now we’re with Jana’s parents and will soon leave for Arkansas to stay at a retreat center with some good friends.

Enough of this prosaic account.  We’ll get back to you all soon.